Toccata Studio Premiers DAWN, an Original Multimedia Work,
Featuring New Music, New Inspiration, New Visual Surprises and New Experiences!
Date & Time: 8 pm, 29 March 2013 and 30 March 2013
Venue: Toccata Studio, 19B, SS2/55, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Admission: minimum donation of RM30
Contact: 016-3618504
URL: www.mytoccata.blogspot.com
FB: Toccata Studio
Toccata Studio is proud to present "DAWN", a brand-new multimedia work which incorporates live music, live illustration and video art for an exciting sensory experience. This work will feature original music composed by Ng Chor Guan in collaboration with international comic artist Tan Eng Huat.
There will be two performances of “DAWN”, on 29 and 30 March 2013, at Toccata Studio, which is located at 19B, SS2/55, Petaling Jaya. The show will begin at 8 pm sharp. Admission is via a minimum donation of RM30.
The performance will feature Ng who will be playing the piano, theremin and laptop, and Tan who will be responding with spontaneous illustrations. They will be joined by video artists Okui Lala and Thian Siew Kim who will transform the space through their video projections.
Ng and Tan were able to produce “DAWN” due in part to the Cake Project, which is a kickstarter programme for creative projects held by Toccata Studio as bimonthly event. The Cake Project is very much in line with our mission to provide a platform for artists and musicians, with an emphasis on classical music. It gives the public an affordable avenue to become patrons of music and arts.
Ng Chor Guan is a music composer and sound designer for theatre, dance, film, concert music and new media. He began his career as a professional music composer during his years in London. Upon returning to Malaysia in 2006, he collaborated actively with theatrical artists and choreographers, both local and international. His works, which demonstrate an excellent integration of the classical and the contemporary, have been performed in a wide variety of mediums including orchestral, choral, chamber, and electronic music. They have been presented at numerous festivals all over the world and he has been nominated for many awards. Chor Guan also lectures at University Malaya and New Era College. He has also produced 11 albums.
Tan Eng Huat began his international career as a comic artist for DC Comics in 2000. He made his debut with Doom Patrol, pencilling and inking a total of 22 issues. His work on Doom Patrol gained him international recognition, winning him two awards in 2002, namely, the Russ Manning Promising Newcomer in the prestigious Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards in the US, and The 5th Nation Comic Award for Best New Talent in the UK. Over the years, Eng Huat has worked on many other iconic titles including The Justice League of America – which scored him another Eisner Award nomination in the Best Penciller/Inker category in 2003 – Batman, X-men, Thor, Avengers, Punisher and Deadpool among others.
For more information about “DAWN” and Toccata Studio, please contact E-Jan 016-3618504.
Toccata Studio 首演“破晓 ” 一项融合原创多媒体作品,新型音乐,新灵感, 新视觉和新体验的演出。
日期、时间:3 月 29 日 和 30日,晚上 8 时正。
地点:Toccata Studio, 19 B, SS2/55, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
入场:最低乐捐 30 零吉
面子书:Toccata Studio
“破晓”一个全新的多媒体作品,其中包括现场音乐演奏,绘图及影像呈现,激发人类感官及体验生活点滴。此作品题材原自于我国著名音乐家黄楚原以及国际漫画艺术家陈永发。“破晓”共有两场演出,分别于3月29 日及30日,晚上八点正在 Toccata Studio,19B, SS2/55, Petaling Jaya 上演。票费为最低捐款RM30。
音乐家黄楚原将运用钢琴, 特雷鸣和手提电脑作为演奏器材。而陈永发将根据听觉做出即兴的构图以达到视觉与听觉的共鸣。此外,这场演出也邀请了两位视频艺术家周盈贞和邓绣金将利用投影机做出空间上的变化。
此演出的点子曾在Cake Project 发表,并赢得最多票数。Cake Project 一项由Toccata Studio每两个月举办一次的新点子微资金计划。活动详情可游览:http://www.facebook.com/CakeProject?ref=ts&fref=ts
Toccata Studio 以发扬艺术文化为前提,为各媒介的艺术家提供专业演奏及展出平台。以推动艺术风气,提倡艺术交流为宗旨,Toccata Studio 将陆续推出各种形式的音乐、艺术、舞蹈表演,欢迎各界人士踊跃出席,支持音乐与艺术活动。
黄楚原音乐作曲家,活跃于音乐,剧场,舞蹈各不同艺术领域。在伦敦期间,曾任自专业音乐作曲家。2006 年回马的他积极参与国内外,大小音乐,舞蹈,戏剧剧场的演出。他的作品,表现出优秀的古典与现代的整合。他曾巡回并参与世界各地的许多艺术节日。 此外,他已被提名为许多奖项。现在马来亚大学和新纪元学院讲学。他还制作了11张专辑。
陈永发在2000年开始了他的国际事业作为DC漫画的漫画家。他做了他的首演Doom Patrol。Doom Patrol赢得了国际上的认可,为他赢得了两个奖项,在2002年,Russ Manning Promising Newcomer在美国Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards和第5届全国漫画奖“最佳新人才在英国。在过去的几年中,英发先生曾在许多其他象征性的冠军,Best Penciller/Inker category ,2003 – Batman, X-men, Thor, Avengers, Punisher 和 Deadpool。
有兴趣者欢迎拨电至 016-3618504 或 014-2486248 询问详情。
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