Monday, 29 April 2013

Music Mind Games - an introductory workshop

Music Mind Games “An Introductory Course”

Date: Sunday, 19th May 2013
Time: 2.00pm – 5.30pm (inclusive of 30 minutes tea break)
Fees: RM120
Speaker: Ms. Moon Teng YAP , certified MMG trainer and assistant for Michiko YURKO
Participants: Music teachers, early childhood educators and parents, with or without music background.

What is
Music Mind Games (MMG)?

MMG is an alternative method to teaching music theory. Developed by Michiko YURKO, MMG is the result of more than 30 years of research and development.

Comprising of more than 300 games, the method uses 4 main components:

(a) An innovative teaching sequence
(b) A nurturing philosophy
(c) Friendly, colourful materials
(d) Large variety of creative games

The PURPOSE of this workshop:

To raise awareness among music educators and parents, that there is another alternative in teaching music theory besides graded theory i.e. Grade 1, 2 etc.

MMG strongly believes that children learn through playing. With so many game ideas and materials, children learn musical concepts as they participates in the games themselves; they are learning while having fun!

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

WELCOME to our new members

TOCCATA STUDIO is proud to announce our new members ON-BOARD with us in our endless effort of promoting arts and music to the society!

we welcome Yann Shie OH joining us as Artist-In-Residence.

we welcome Kien TAN joining us as Designer-In-Residence.

more interesting projects and events coming up... stay tuned!

New Music Series --- TOXIC 另类音乐系列---高度戒备

New Music Series

Vocal: KOK Siew Wai
Saxophone: YONG Yandsen
Mandolin: Azmyl Yunor
Harmonica: CHONG Ling Zi
Electronic: NG Chor Guan

Date                  : 13/4/2013
Time                  : 8pm
Venue                : TOCCATA STUDIO
                           19 B, SS2/55, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Admission         : by minimum donation RM20

Are you looking for new music?
Do you fancy some special sound?
Are you in search of uniqueness in music?

This is the chance for you.
Join this event for a brand new experience in music.

“TOXIC” a new music concert will be held on 13 April 2013, 8pm at Toccata Studio, 19 B, SS2/55, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. This new music concerts feature musicians including Saxophonist Yong Yandsen, vocalist Kok Siew Wai, Harmonica by Chong Ling zi, mandolin player Azmyl Yunor and electronic by Ng Chor Guan. Together, they will bring to audiences new sound, new inspiration, new music and mew ideas! At a minimum donation of RM20 admission, you get to enjoy a night of miracle.

Toccata Studio, which promotes classical music primarily, is not only a platform for musicians but it is also a place for various forms of music, arts and cultural events and performances alike. We organized performances from time to time, including classical recitals, arts exhibition, dance=music series, travel talks, film screening and more. We welcome everyone to join us to support our promotion for music and arts, hoping to establish an arts community.

For more information about the performance, please call 016-3618504. 


曼陀林:Azmyl Yunor

日期                  2013 4 13
时间                  晚上 8
地点                  TOCCATA STUDIO
            19 B, SS2/55, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
入场                  最低乐捐 20 零吉


“高度戒备”另类音乐即兴演奏会定于 4 13 日晚上 8 时正在八打灵 19B, SS2/55 Toccata Studio 拉开序幕。 当晚演出的青年音乐家包括声乐家、萨斯克风手、口琴手张龄之及电子音乐黄楚原。他们将即兴为观众现场演出,寻找另类、有趣、创新及真实的音乐语汇。在这场互动的音乐会中,观众将有机会亲眼目睹以上种种乐器现场演奏,亲耳聆听即兴创作。入场以乐捐方式,最低乐捐 20 零吉。

Toccata Studio 以发扬古典室内音乐与艺术为前提,与此同时为青年音乐家及艺术家提供专业演奏平台。Toccata Studio 将陆续推出各种形式的音乐与艺术表演,其中包括古典音乐会、现代音乐即兴、音乐赏析课程、舞蹈=音乐系列、旅游讲座会、电影放映会、画展等等,欢迎各界人士踊跃出席,支持音乐与艺术活动。

欲知更多详情或有意出席这场演奏会的公众,可拨电至 0163618504 询问。